Now that you have gotten dental veneers to restore the beauty of your smile, the process does not end there. You need to take specific aftercare steps to ensure that the restoration remains intact and serves its purposes for a long time.
Always remember routine dental care
Visit the dental office for polishing and dental checkups regularly. Polishing the veneer extends its lifetime and should be done once every three to six months, depending on the dentist’s recommendation. The dentist has special mixtures and equipment to clean your healthy teeth and veneers properly.
When you go for a regular dental checkup, any issue with the dental veneer will be discovered and fixed easily before it worsens. Veneer polishing is not an excuse to slack on dental hygiene. Remember to floss and brush your teeth regularly to ensure the polishing lasts before requiring another one.
Shun teeth-staining substances
Yes, porcelain veneers are built to resist normal stains, but this is not true for the normal teeth. To keep your dentition looking normal and white, you should shun substances that may discolor the veneers, such as red wine, berries, coffee, cigarettes and beets. If you cannot stay away from consuming these items, always remember to brush and floss your teeth soon after to reduce the chances of stain development.
Keep your teeth protected
High impact or trauma can damage porcelain veneers, as it would a natural tooth. Try not to engage in sports that jeopardize the health of your teeth. If you have to participate in sports, including football, wrestling and basketball, be careful and wear a mouth guard or other types of protection to keep your veneers safe.
Avoid biting excessively on hard objects, like bones, ice, hard candy and raw carrots. If the veneers break, the restoration has to be done again, especially if it cannot be repaired. Shielding your teeth from possible trauma will save you from intense pain and the cost of restoring your dentition again.
Avoid teeth grinding and clenching
Many people grind their teeth, intentionally or not. Teeth grinding involves clenching and shifting the teeth while sleeping. If you continue teeth grinding, you will damage your porcelain veneers. The original teeth and jaw may also get damaged if you continue the habit.
If you suspect teeth grinding, you need to talk to the dentist to get possible treatment options. This includes wearing a mouth guard while sleeping to protect your teeth from the negative impacts of teeth grinding.
Keep inedible items out of the mouth
If you have a poor habit of pen chewing or nail biting, you need to stop them because these activities are not only unacceptable, they can also damage your porcelain veneers with time.
After a number of years, some veneers may have minor stains around the edges. You need to reach out to the dentist for veneers repair. In other cases, the gum may withdraw a bit to reveal a stained tooth structure below. This happens after several years and may require replacement.
Request an appointment here: or call Dr. Call Dental Center at (706) 425-6240 for an appointment in our Dalton office.
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