General Dentist Prevents Health Issues by Treating Gum Disease

Posted on: August 8, 2014

General DentistDr. Call Dental Center is a general dentist office that treats all types of oral health issues.  We focus on preventative care so that our patients can avoid painful conditions like cavities and gum disease.  By having your teeth cleaned twice a year, our dental hygienist can remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums.  This is essential since it is difficult to reach many areas with brushing and flossing alone.

Many people think about their teeth when considering their oral health, but teeth are not the only thing that matters.  Gums are essential for keeping teeth healthy and in place.  Most often, gum disease is caused by a lack of oral hygiene and dental care, which makes regular teeth cleanings extremely important.  The initial signs of gum disease are red and swollen gums that may even bleed.  They can be painful while brushing and eating.  If you notice these symptoms, call and schedule an appointment for a dental exam.

If gum disease is caught early it can be treated quickly and with minimal discomfort.  As a general dentist, we can conduct a deep cleaning to remove bacteria from on top and underneath the gums.  Once the bacteria have been removed the gum tissue will start to heal itself and signs of the disease will be reversed.

When gum disease is left untreated, the results can be far more damaging.  Gums can start to recede and expose more of the tooth, making it appear longer.  Simultaneously pockets can form in the gum tissue and the roots can become exposed.  Bacteria can gather here and attack the tooth and roots creating the need for a root canal or a larger problem like a dental abscess.  Severe gum disease can even make teeth fall out.  At this stage, a gum graft may be needed to close up the pocket so that the tooth and roots can be protected again.

Gum Health Impacts the Entire Body

Treating gum disease is important for oral health but also for the health of your entire body.  As a general dentist, we recommend that our pregnant patients have their teeth cleaned at least twice during their pregnancy because gum disease can lead to pre-term labor.  Mothers with poor gum health can also have low birth weight babies. Fortunately, ongoing dental care can help prevent the condition from ever happening.

Studies have also found a link between heart disease and gum disease.  At least 91 percent of people with heart conditions also have poor gum health.  Heart disease kills more men and women than any other condition including cancer.  Reducing the risk of a heart attack is extremely important to living a long and healthy life.  While studies are being conducted to determine the extent of how the two conditions are connected, avoiding gum disease is an important initial step.  Fortunately, as a general dentist we make this process easy.  All you have to do is schedule a teeth cleaning twice a year, brush and floss at home, and avoid smoking or chewing tobacco to stay in good oral health.

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